Majestic Square

Essexville, Michigan 48732
43.593185   -83.845490
Site Plan




Available Units

2960AVAILABLE-2,40020 x 1202,400 SF
Dims. 20 x 120
2970AVAILABLE-2,40020 x 1202,400 SF
Dims. 20 x 120
2972AVAILABLE-4,92041 x 1204,920 SF
Dims. 41 x 120
2980AVAILABLE-1,43212 x 120 IRR1,432 SF
Dims. 12 x 120 IRR
2982AVAILABLE-6,65255 x 120 IRR6,652 SF
Dims. 55 x 120 IRR
2986AVAILABLE-12,68772.5 x 17512,687 SF
Dims. 72.5 x 175
2988AVAILABLE-11,60566.3 x 17511,605 SF
Dims. 66.3 x 175
2992AVAILABLE-8,18939 x 210 IRR8,189 SF
Dims. 39 x 210 IRR

Current Tenants

2910Kroger (owned by others)-64,562315 x 210 IRR64,562 SF
Dims. 315 x 210 IRR
2950JOANN-14,672101 x 14514,672 SF
Dims. 101 x 145
Justin Eller 480.385.1304

key features

  • anchored by Kroger with drive-thru pharmacy and fuel
  • located along major retail and entertainment corridor for the surrounding area
  • junior anchor spaces available from 6,652 to 12,867 sf, with 45,485 sf contiguous for larger co-anchor
  • adjacent vacant land available for sale or ground lease
  • will demise available units or lease for redevelopment
  • daily traffic count: 16,419 on Center Avenue